Being involved in an 18-wheeler accident is a horrible ordeal for anyone to go through. Hiring a Houston 18-wheeler accident lawyer is not a priority as you and your loved ones have to contend with more pressing matters such as recovering from the injuries sustained from the accident, finding a way to pay for the mounting hospital bills, figuring out a way to offset the loss of income, and dealing with the general uncertainty as to what the future holds. In this article, our Houston personal injury lawyer will discuss how hiring an personal injury lawyer after sustaining injuries can help you in these trying times and get you the compensation that you deserve.
A Houston 18-Wheeler Accident Lawyer That Only Gets Paid When You Do
We know that one of the major issues 18-wheeler accident victims have to deal with is the financial burden on their household. You or someone you know are doubly victimized because you are experiencing loss of income while you’re missing work and your hospital bills are piling up. Joaquin Jimenez recognizes these stresses and that is why our law office accepts a contingency fee arrangement for personal injury cases such as Houston 18-wheeler accidents. In this arrangement, our lawyers’ fees are only collected if your case is won and a settlement is recovered. This way, you have a competent Houston personal injury lawyer representation without having to pay out of your pocket.
How Can a Houston Personal Injury Lawyer Help Your Case?
A Houston personal injury lawyer can help you or someone you know who has been a victim of an 18-wheeler accident on the following common issues accident victims usually have to contend with.
Advocating for you – Having someone fight for you who has an intimate knowledge of the ins and outs of personal injury cases can spell the difference between a positive outcome or an injustice. A legal representation is not just a civil right but can also give you a fighting chance to get the compensation you deserve.
Legal advice and strategy – An experienced 18-wheeler accident lawyer can provide valuable counsel to you and on your behalf secure an appropriate settlement from the other party. If it comes down to it, a Houston personal injury lawyer can take the other party to court and build a strong case to secure a court-awarded settlement for you.
Negotiation with multiple parties – 18-wheeler accidents differ from other motor vehicle accidents in that there may be other liable parties in addition to the one operating the truck. These parties, depending on the circumstances, may include the trucking company, the cargo company, and the manufacturer. All of these parties will be represented by lawyers in an 18-wheeler accident and will try to absolve themselves of the liability, maybe even team together to put the blame on you. Our veteran 18-wheeler accident lawyers can navigate this context and come out on top for you.
Insurance claims – Personal injury lawyers can also advise you when it comes to insurance claims and ensure that you get the compensation that you are entitled to.
Get the Compensation You Deserve with Your Trusted 18-Wheeler Accident Lawyer
If you or someone you know has been involved in an 18-wheeler accident, then you may be entitled to compensation. You should secure the services of a capable Houston personal injury lawyer to give yourself a fighting chance, at no cost to you. Let Joaquin Jimenez fight for you. Call us now to schedule a free consultation.

Driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs (DWI) is a criminal offense in the state of Texas. Houston car accidents resulting from DWI violations can lead to damages to property, personal injury, and loss of life. This is why the state of Texas is strict when it comes to enforcing laws against DWI. If you or anyone you know has been involved in a Houston DWI car accident then it is crucial that you immediately acquire the representation of a Houston car accident lawyer.
Houston Personal Injury Lawyer Representing a DWI Accident Victim
If you or someone you know has been a victim in a Houston DWI accident then it is advisable to hire a Houston car accident lawyer. An experienced Houston personal injury lawyer can help you to properly understand your rights and guide you through the process of filing a claim from compensation so you can focus on getting well and recovering from your injuries.
A competent lawyer will gather in a timely manner all the necessary evidence that will help with your claims process. They can also negotiate a settlement—a skill that most of usually do not have—on your behalf or take your case to court if necessary
Houston Personal Injury Lawyer Advocating for a DWI Driver Involved in an Accident
On the other side of the fence, the services of a Houston DWI lawyer are equally crucial to an alleged DWI driver involved in an accident. A Houston car accident lawyer can help an alleged DWI driver on the following:
- Advising the client on his or her legal rights and responsibilities, including the potential criminal and civil consequence they are facing.
- Negotiating with the prosecution on behalf of the client to have the charges reduced or dismissed before they are filed.
- Representing the driver should he or she decide to take the case to trial.
- Advising the client on any possible plea deals should the prosecution exhibit a strong case.
- Helping with other legal issues such as insurance claims
Let an Experienced Houston Personal Injury Lawyer Fight for You
DWI accident cases, contrary to popular belief, are not open-and-shut cases. One could do well by immediately consulting a competent Houston personal injury lawyer when one is involved in a DWI accident, either as a victim or as a rider. Securing the services of a competent lawyer like Joaquin Jimenez can help you get a positive outcome. Joaquin Jimenez commits to protecting and advocating for your rights. Call us now and let Joaquin Jimenez fight for you.

Oil plants are among the most essential parts of the oil business, where raw crude oil is processed into the byproducts needed to make the wonders of our modern world possible. However, they are also among the most dangerous workplaces in the world because of all the necessary machinery, equipment, and chemicals packed together in such a relatively confined area. This means that it’s only a matter of when, not if, the next Houston oil refinery injury will happen. So if you or someone close to you is involved in an oil plant injury, what should you do? Here’s the advice that Houston personal injury lawyer Joaquin Jimenez has to share.
Critical Advice From a Houston Oil Plant Injury Lawyer
The first priority upon the occurrence of a Houston oil refinery injury is to seek medical attention at once. Have medical professionals tend to the injury, because they will later provide expert testimony and documentation of the injuries sustained and the treatments received. Once you are out of immediate danger and in stable condition, you should contact a Houston oil plant injury lawyer to represent you in this matter. After an incident resulting in a Houston oil refinery injury, an investigation is likely to follow. Your Houston personal injury lawyer will see that you will be advocated for properly in that investigation and in any proceedings that follow.
How a Houston Personal Injury Lawyer Helps You After A Houston Oil Refinery Injury
The owner and operators of the oil plant or refinery where the injury occurred will always try to limit their responsibility and liability. They may try to pass responsibility for the incident and your injury to you or to someone else. Your Houston oil plant injury lawyer will see to it that your interests are protected throughout any investigation, on top of making sure that you get a fair and equitable settlement for your injury. Not every Houston oil refinery injury manifests itself immediately, so your Houston personal injury lawyer is essential to making sure that any settlement you receive will cover those instances as well.
The Houston Personal Injury Lawyer That Will Get The Job Done
If you have been involved, or know someone who was involved in a Houston oil refinery injury case, then you need to protect your interests by hiring an experienced Houston personal injury lawyer from the start. When you become a client of Joaquin Jimenez, you can be confident that your rights will be advocated for by an experienced Houston oil plant injury lawyer from the beginning, all without having to pay an advance. Get in touch today for a free consultation!

Workers’ compensation is a type of insurance paid for by business entities to provide financial benefits to their workers if they are injured or become ill while doing their job or as a consequence of doing their job. Workers’ compensation usually covers medical expenses and lost wages compensation. While a workers’ compensation is put in place to protect workers from work-related injuries and illnesses as well as limit the civil liability of businesses, there are some cases where workers are having problems with benefit claims. In such cases, hiring a lawyer that will protect you and advocate for you can help. In this article, our personal injury expert will discuss how an experienced Houston personal injury lawyer can help with issues regarding workers’ compensation claims.
Issues with Workers’ Compensation Claims? A Houston Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help
A lawyer whose practice specializes in personal injury cases can help with the following common issues that workers have to contend with when filing benefits claims from their workers’ compensation.
Denied claims – Some workers’ insurance companies are notorious for outright denying claims due to lack of evidence. A common argument that bad faith insurance companies make is to insist that the accident is not a Houston workplace injury. An experienced Houston personal injury lawyer knows which evidence to produce and compile in order to make their clients’ claims ironclad.
Delayed payment – Single income families are doubly affected by a Houston workplace injury. While they are shelling out cash for medical bills, their source of income is also cut off, which heavily strains their finances. Delaying payments is a common tactic employed by unscrupulous insurance companies. They will bury the claimants in bureaucratic red tape and unnecessary documentary requirements to prolong the claims processing in the hopes that the claimants will be amenable to settle for less. Having a compassionate Houston personal injury lawyer can prevent these issues from happening.
Employer retaliation – Employees often hesitate filing a workers’ compensation claim out of fear of retaliation from their employer because they don’t want to shoulder the cost. Said employer retaliation may come in the form of termination, demotion, harassment, and pay cut (through reduced hours.) While this is blatantly against the law, some employers get away with it because the employees do not know better. In these cases, having a Houston personal injury lawyer such as Joaquin Jimenez on your side can be a deterrence from employer retaliation and ultimately make your claim processing smoother.
Get the Compensation You Deserve with Your Trusted Houston Personal Injury Lawyer
Workers’ Compensation is put in place to supposedly safeguard employees in case of a Houston workplace injury and aid with medical expenses and lost wages. However, that is not always the case. This fact is recognized by Joaquin Jimenez and he has made his services available for those that need a fighting chance. He commits to use his knowledge and experience to reach an outcome that protects not just the victims but also their families. If you are in need of a workers’ compensation lawyer, then delay no further and call us now. Let Joaquin Jimenez fight for you.

Being involved in an accident is an awful ordeal to go through. We know that nursing and recovering from your injuries is top priority and that securing a Houston personal injury lawyer may be the least of your worries. However, hiring a Houston 18-wheeler injury lawyer can drastically improve your chances of getting a positive outcome or full compensation. Oftentimes, surveillance videos, audio recordings, dashcam videos, and witnesses disappear after an extended period. A knowledgeable personal injury lawyer would know how to secure these pieces of evidence in a timely manner to help in your case. In this article, our expert on personal injury cases will discuss what one should look for in case they need the services of a Houston 18-wheeler accident lawyer.
Specialized Houston Personal Injury Lawyer
Since your case involves personal injury, it only makes sense that you acquire the services of a specialized Houston personal injury lawyer such as Joaquin Jimenez. These types of lawyers who specialize in personal injury claims know their way around personal injury cases which increases your success rate of securing the proper settlement. By using their experience and knowledge of the guidelines and processes specific to personal injury claims, Joaquin Jimenez gives his clients a fighting chance of collecting sufficient claims even against large corporations. Within the Houston personal injury lawyer community, you can also find attorneys who specialize in the specific types of cases such as Houston 18-wheeler injury accidents.
Houston Personal Injury Lawyer That Only Gets Paid When You Do
Some Houston personal injury lawyers such as Joaquin Jimenez recognize that not everyone can easily afford legal representation. These are often the same type of people who get the short end of the stick when it comes to legal settlements and compensation because they don’t have access to competent legal representation. This is why the Law Office of Joaquin Jimenez accepts a contingency fee arrangement for personal injury cases such as Houston 18-wheeler accidents. In such cases, lawyers’ fees are only collected if the case is successful and after a settlement is recovered.
Houston Personal Injury Lawyer That Speaks Your Language
As a Latino Houston personal injury lawyer, Joaquin Jimenez can relate with the daily struggles of the common people working towards the American Dream. His fluency in Spanish ensures that he can communicate well with his Spanish-speaking clients and explain the status of their cases in detail.
Houston Personal Injury Lawyer That Will Advocate for You
When it comes to Houston personal injury cases, it is beneficial for victims to hire an experienced personal injury lawyer from the start. By hiring Joaquin Jimenez, clients can be confident that their rights will be advocated for by an experienced personal injury lawyer right from the beginning without having to pay an advance. Call us now for a free consultation.