A woman injured in a Houston car accident being attended to by a bystander.

What to Do After a Car Accident: A Simplified Guide for Personal Injury Claims

Getting involved in a Houston car accident is a stressful experience. Securing the physical safety of those that figured in an accident should always be your first priority, however there is also wisdom in acquiring the services of a Houston personal injury lawyer as soon as you can. A competent Houston car accident lawyer will help you secure a personal injury settlement that you can use to fund your hospital expenses, compensate your loss of income, and reimburse damages to your property. You should give yourself a fighting chance by having a competent lawyer on your side. In this article, our Houston car accident injury lawyer will discuss what you should do in case you get involved in an accident.

Your Houston Personal Injury Lawyer Advises You to Do the Following After A Car Accident

Should you figure in a car accident, our Houston car accident lawyer advises you to do the following in order of decreasing priority. These things prioritize the safety of individuals involved in a Houston car accident but also increases the chance that victims get the compensation that they deserve by making sure that the details of the accident are recorded and documented in the medical system and police reports.

Check for Injuries

The first step is to make sure that everyone involved in the accident is okay. Refrain from moving someone with an obvious injury affecting the neck and spine. If you are unsure, err on the side of caution and do not move them and work towards securing the area instead.

Move to a Safe Location or Secure the Area

If you and others involved in the accident are mobile you should move to a safe location. Barring that, you should secure the accident area by deploying your warning triangles.

Seek Medical Attention

Even if you don’t think you are injured, it is always a good idea to undergo a comprehensive check up just to be sure. This will also establish a medical record of the accident should injuries related to the accident manifest in the future.

Report the Accident to the Police

After seeking medical attention, you should contact the police to report the incident. Provide as much details as possible such as location of the accident, time, the number of vehicles involved, and license plates. All Houston personal injury lawyers stress the importance of doing this step towards getting a positive outcome for the victims and getting compensated.

Acquire the Services of a Houston Car Accident Lawyer

Hiring a Houston personal injury lawyer will in different aspects towards securing you the compensation that you deserve. A Houston car accident injury lawyer will help you gather evidence, assist with insurance claims, negotiate with other parties on your behalf, and should it become necessary, take your case to court.

Hire a Houston Personal Injury Lacawyer to Get the Compensation That You Deserve

Hiring the services of a Houston car accident lawyer after getting injured in a car accident will help a great deal as it allows you to focus on your recovery while your lawyer works hard towards getting the positive outcome that will protect you and your family. Call us now and schedule an appointment to give yourself a fighting chance.

Let Us Be Your Voice

When you’re in the middle of a legal case, the right lawyer can change its entire trajectory. We will do all we can to advocate for your rights and achieve favorable outcomes.


Joaquin Jimenez is a Houston-based attorney specializing in crime and personal injury. Being in the middle of a legal battle is not easy, but The Law Office of Joaquin Jimenez is here to advocate for you and protect your rights.